September 14, 2012

Manasa born on my Dad’s day

When the doctor told us that my baby's delivery date would be October 14, 2009, I prayed that the baby be born on either the 11th, which is my dad's birthday, or the 12th, which was his 'shraardha' day. 

I was admitted to the hospital on the 12th early in the morning, but only after I ate a bit of ‘prasadham’ of my dad's 'shrardham’ around 4 pm, things started working out fine for a normal delivery. And my baby was born at night at 12.45.

As it crossed 12 o'clock, her birth date became the 13th. But according to our "madhwa" culture, the day ends only at 2 am, so in that sense, my baby was born on my dad’s Shrardha day only, as both the stars match.

So I believe my dad is my daughter.

And im not sure if its a destiny or a compensation from God, but im sure its a blessing.